
Welcome to CA Rakesh Agrawal Website

With the Mission to help every CA Student becoming a successful Chartered Accountant, CA Rakesh Agrawal started his teaching Journey in the year 1991. In these long Years, with his expertise and innovative thinking, he has devised his unique teaching methodology, tips & tricks. In order to help CA Students all across India, he launched his website where the student could buy pre-recorded video lectures online or in pendrive for various CA Subjects.

Rakesh Sir, a Cost & Management Accountancy gold medalist, is famous for his conceptual teaching for the subjects like - Costing, Quantitative Techniques, Cost & Management Accounting, & Financial Management. By watching his Video Lectures, CA Students are getting in-depth conceptual knowledge and are passing the CA Exams with flying colors.

Most Demanded Products!

CA Intermediate Cost & Management Accounting - Paper 4 - New Syllabus

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